Unexpected Blessing
Sometimes the blessings of Christmas come in the most unexpected places and ways. It can't always be wrapped or purchased at a mall. When we keep our eyes on the meaning of the season and not the busyness, God can reveal Himself in a big way. Through humorous moments and even the diagnosis of cancer, Christmas can be a special time for family and faith.
Breaking Point
Break ups are hard and painful but they can also be God's way of saying "I have something better for you." There are more things that we need to say "bye" to like habits, traditions and even our negative thoughts. When we seek to live out our faith in a "sold-out" manner, God will show us what to say Yes to and what to "break up with."
A Seat At The Table
In Luke, Jesus teaches us how we should plan a guest list when planning a "banquet" or party. He reminds us to come out of our comfort zone and engage with those that are not like us. Who would you invite to your party? When we live like Christ we will always make room for one more and that one more needs to hear about Jesus.
More Options
The Great Cover Up
Inspiring Women To Be Real, Relevant and Ready!
Being authentic and vulnerable can be uncomfortable but necessary when craving to be more like Jesus. God won’t call you to do something that He won't equip you to do. It is already within you, it just needs to be “uncovered”. An awesome God has an assignment just for YOU but you must be Real, Relevant and Ready!
Fear, Anxiety and Idols… Oh My!
Overcoming Fear, Worry and Anxiety
Whether you are dealing with emotional struggles or have someone you love experiencing this fight, we need each other. Let's kick this trio to the curb and live the "abundant" life God promises. We can build our “tool kit” and be ready and prepared when our emotions seem to “get the best” of us. Just as a builder has a plan and proper tools, we need to follow suit and be prepared to thrive and not just survive.
Rise Up!
Based on Ezra and Nehemiah
In the Old Testament, God called Ezra and Nehemiah to a large task. Why? He knew that both men were capable and ready for what they were being called to do. How do we become women that God can use in BIG ways? It begins by looking up to God, then stepping up to the calling and finally rising up and furthering God's kingdom . Let's Rise Up and say YES to God.
Embracing Your Second Act
Bowing Down Instead of Bowing Out After 50
The best years are the ones that you have yet to experience! It's important to follow God's leading and make this new season count. Think of this time as a "blank canvas” and be ready for a masterpiece to begin. The stage is set, the lights are on! Go and embrace your new role.